
Our seminars are always delivered by specialists with knowledge of the latest practice, research and theories in the field. They play a crucial role in improving quality standards within the hospitality sector and creating new generations of professionals with the skills and knowledge to enjoy fulfilment and financial success within the industry.

We hold between 6 and 12  seminars annually in our target countries.

Our current seminar programme focuses on:

  • Business Culture
  • Business Ethics
  • Case Studies for Management of Education and Training
  • Culinary Art and International Guest Satisfaction
  • Destination Marketing focusing on local and specialised products
  • Food and Beverage Management
  • Merchandising and Upselling: Food and Beverage matching
  • Hotel Operations, Tactics and Strategy (HOTS)
  • Revenue Management in Hotels and Restaurants
  • Service Quality and Cultural Dimensions of Service Quality
  • Service Quality and Successful SMEs

Our seminar programme is coordinated by:

Dr Elizabeth Ineson, Visiting Research Fellow, Manchester Metropolitan University and Dr Kateryna Fedosova, Odesa National University of Technology

Niche and Special Interest Tourism

Date: July 9

Location: Virtual Seminar: Serbia

The seminar was in three segments, fousing on niche and special interest tourism delivering lectures on current trends in niche tourism, emphasising the growing importance of specialised travel experiences.

Trends in Brand Management

Date: July 8

Location: Virtual Seminar: Serbia

The seminar was divided into three parts, each exploring different aspects of brand management in the hospitality sector.  The presentation covered the latest trends and practical case studies that illustrated real-world applications.

The Influence of Design and Presentation of Dishes in Restaurants

Date: June 28

Location: Romania

Seminar held at the Unirea Hotel was dedicated to the influence of design and presentation of dishes in resaurants.  The seminar began with a discussion on trends in food design and menu engineering before moving to the hotel's restaurant kitchen for a practical culinary masterclass.

Marketing Trends in Restaurant Business and AI Revolution and Workshop

Date: June 27

Location: Romania

The seminar included theory and practical case studies.  Discussions revolved around new marketing trends in the restaurant business and the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in the hospitality sector.  After the theoritical part, participants engaged in a workshop where they could apply the discussed concepts using AI services.

Fun & Ethics in Business

Date: May 16th

Location: Bulgaria

The seminar disucssed various business models, the impact of regulatory and consumer demands and the importance of integrating fun, value and exit strategies into business practices to ensure sustinable success.

People / Talent Management

Date: May 15th

Location: Bulgaria

The seminar focused on the key aspects of personnel management and HR emphasising the importanc eof talent identification, nurturing and rentention processes.  The significance of core competencies and the need for organisations to prepare for the future in order to remain competitive was highlighted.

Cuisine and Restaurant Business in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Date: May 13th

Location: Online Seminar / Bosnia and Herzegovina

The seminar was composed of 4 parts: Getting to Know Bosnia and Herzegovina; Hospitality Industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina; Cuisine of Bosnia and Herzegovina - focusing on groceries, spices, prepation methods and video recipes; and Famous Dishes in Bosnia and Herzegovina - highlighting notable dishes with video recipes.

Artificial Intelligence Revolution in Hotel and Restaurant Business

Date: April 24th

Location: Lithuania

Seminar addressed the impact of artificial ingelligence in the hospitality sector.  Practical examples of AI appications in hotel and restaurant operations were demonstrated, followed by an interactive workshop where participants discussed potential AI intergration into their own business and education.

Development of an Effective Restaurant Menu and Menu Engineering

Trends in Restaurant Business

Date: April 23rd

Location: Lithuania

Seminar included details discussions on effective menu development and the latest trends affecting the restaurant business.  This included engaging presentations and discussions that encouraged active participation from the attendees.

Trends in the Event Industry + Workshop

Date: April 19th

Location: Montenegro

The seminar provided insights into the latest trends shaping the event industry, including technology integration and sustainable practices.  The session featured an engaging workshop that allowed participants to apply concepts in a practical setting.

Intercultural Communication in the Hospitality Industry + Workshop

Date: April 18th

Location: Montenegro

The seminar explored how effective communication across different cuyltures enhances customer service and employee interaction in the hospitality sector.  The session featured an engaging workshop that allowed participants to apply concepts in practical settings.

Trends in Food Design

Influence of Design and Presentation of Restaurant Dishes on Customers; Culinary Workshop

Date: March 15th

Location: Estonia

The seminar  explored trends in dish design and presentation, with a culinary masterclass during which a Ukrainian dish known as Forshmak was showcased.  The dish was prepared in five different presentation styles.

10 Steps to Launching a Successful Restaurant + Workshop

Date: March 14th

Location: Estonia

The seminar showcased interesting cases of Ukrainian restaurants, along with examples of the use of artificial intelligence for restaurant interior design and dish creation.  Three teams of participants, along with an online participant developed projects for their restaurants and presented them at the end of the session. 

Revenue Management + REVsim Simulator Workshop

Date: January 25th

Location: Virtual Seminar: Ukraine

The seminar shared a lot of useful information about revenue management in the hotel business and comprised of three parts:

1.  Theory and basic information about revenue management in hotel business.

2. General overview of REVsim and instructions.

3. Practical game on the REVsim simulator.